Friday, February 17, 2006


"When action is required to preserve our national security, we will act. We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow, and let there be no misunderstanding we are going to begin to act, beginning today."

Ronald Reagan
First Inaugural Address

He freed a billion slaves from their Communist masters... This is the story of that achievement: of one man’s triumph during the bloodiest and most barbaric century in mankind’s history: the 20th century.

In the Face of Evil: Reagan’s War in Word and Deed is a man and nation’s journey through the heart of darkness—and what that journey means for us today. This film is not a biography of Ronald Reagan, but a hard-hitting look at leadership and moral courage. Based on Peter Schweizer’s acclaimed bestseller, Reagan’s War, the new feature-length documentary film, In the Face of Evil, chronicles the brutal conflict between totalitarianism and freedom as seen through Ronald Reagan’s forty-year confrontation with Communism.

Reagan’s struggle began in direct conflict with Soviet-backed street-level violence during Communism’s attempt to take-over Hollywood during the 1940’s; it continued through his “wilderness years” on the mashed potato circuit in the 50’s, then on to his confrontation with the radicals at Berkeley in the 60’s showing, throughout, his challenge of the Establishment’s policy of détente, his steady rise to power, his rejection by his own party, and his focus on the need for a complete victory over Communism.

More than a traditional war film, In the Face of Evil plays out on an epic scale... from the back-lots of Hollywood, to the jungles of Central America; from the mountains of Afghanistan, to the palaces of the Kremlin; to the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of a divided Berlin...

“I have to believe that the history of this troubled century will indeed be redeemed in the eyes of God and man, and that freedom will truly come to all. For what injustice can withstand your strength?"
Ronald Reagan
Moscow, 1988

In the Face of Evil details, for the first time, with never-before-seen footage, the top-secret plans of Reagan and his inner circle ... and their brick-by-brick takedown of the “Evil Empire.”

... from the oil fields of Saudi Arabia to the streets of Warsaw; from the trading floors of Wall Street to the vast steppes of Siberia... the plan encompassed covert ops, a massive arms buildup, and economic and psychological warfare—all conducted on a scale never seen before.

With the world mired in the beginnings of a new global conflict, In the Face of Evil is more relevant today than ever. The film affords profound insights on the brutality of the last century, and offers a prism through which we can gain perspective on the bloody conflicts that stretch ahead.

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth...”
Ronald Reagan

As the 21st century’s great conflict between freedom and Islamic Fascism takes shape, In the Face of Evil, and the words and deeds of Ronald Reagan, provide an invaluable lesson for how the U.S., and the free world, must combat the forces of Evil... if we are to survive.

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