Thursday, February 16, 2006


"A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. "

Milton Friedman
Aggressively performed attainment, battling against the course of free economy is most certainly placed among the most threatining forces of evil-minded philosophy, that claims to achieve state-sacrifying characters that would be standing ready to perish their sourceful freedom to fulfil the project of unprosperity and devastating environment, where individual sovereignity should not exist anymore longer.
Capitalist revolution was launched for guaranteeing Personal and Economic Freedom. Since then, individuals felt free to establish their own business, go to elections, participate freely in expressing opinions and certain views. The fundamental moral principle upon which capitalism is based is that individuals have inalienable rights and that governments exist solely to protect those rights. Capitalism requires the limiting of governmental power to maximize the freedom of the individual.
Capitalism as the most fulfillingly participated system has brought prosperity and freedom to all men around the world. In Europe, capitalism ended feudalism, the dictatorship of the aristocracy. In America, the principle of individual rights impelled the British colonists to throw off the rule of the monarchy and establish history’s freest nation – and the logic of the country’s founding principles led, in less than a century, to the abolition of slavery, a practice that existed everywhere in the world through all of history, and one still practiced widely today throughout the non-capitalist world. In post-World War II Japan, under America’s influence, a semi-capitalist, vastly freer society replaced the military dictatorship that preceded it. In Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, the freedom of their capitalist or semi-capitalist systems enabled those countries (or colonies) to become havens for millions of refugees fleeing Communist oppression.
More broadly, capitalism brought freedom to millions of immigrants, coming overseas, successfully attempting to find their success and happiness, because they often felt politically or religiously persecuted. The most vivid distinction between the freedom, provided by capitalism and devolution entailed by socialism was seen in 20th century Berlin. Commercially prosperous and modern center of freedom West Berlin, and destitutionally squalid East Berlin prefectly reflected the difference between "western freedom" and "eastern misery". As most viably proud, America has been a hoping destintation for millions all over the world. Jews from Europe, Irish people, and escaping immigrants from Eastern Europe, who ran ahead towards the fulfillment of their dreams in a place, where only the sky is limited. Regarding the empirical correlation between economic freedom, i.e., capitalism and prosperity: the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal jointly publish an annual survey examining the degree of economic freedom in the world. Its title is the Index of Economic Freedom. “The story that the Index continues to tell is that economically freer countries tend to have higher per capita incomes than less free countries… The more economic freedom a country has, the higher its per capita income is.” The editors organize 155 countries into four categories, which are, in ascending order – repressed, mostly unfree, mostly free and free. “Once an economy moves from the mostly unfree category to the mostly free category, per capita income increases nearly four times.”
Statism in its all forms is the most suitable case of appalling destitution. Its origins and institutional creation inevitably lead themselves to destruction. Most formally represented premises of different types of statism are most definately connected into the twilight of misery, where private initiative, private property, non-regulation and business and critically exposed thinking will never take part as a recognized value system. So, today govrenment is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem. It's a problem that will never learn anything positive, from its most recent mistakes. Under statism, governments never learn, only people do. Capitalism as a free road ahead towards the attainment of human nature will eventually triumph. Should "statist" countries ask themselves, why there's such a degree of informal market. According to Milton Friedman, "The black market was a way of getting around government controls. It was a way of enabling the free market to work. It was a way of opening up, enabling people." In fact, state should never be a place of "never-ending allocating budget resources" to certain "interest groups", that leads themselves in position to argue, but they were not elected officials and they don't have any of the exclusive rights, so be put in charge and negotitiate about the destiny of hundreds and thosands of others.
Free market is the best way to ensure openness and set ambitions, visions and dreams, while a person that sees no vision will never be able to realize any of his high hopes or fulfil any of his or her dreams. Such a destructive system of instability and unthoughtful devolution will envitably lead such a way of thinking to collapse and downfall. An institutional case of such misery is "so called" neosocialism, that puts high taxes, intensive regulation and splashed bureaucracy ahead of simplicity and ultraminimal concept of the state (see: Rothbard). Such sort of society will inevitable fall upon the darkest stage of economic destitution.
According to the heritage of the History, Capitalism always let every individual to be free - free to go anywhere he wanted, free to live anyhow he desired and free to choose whatever he actually wanted. Philosophically most forward-seeing and sophisticated thinker, such as Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Robert Nozick, Randy Barnett, Jan Narveson, Richard Epstein, Ayn Rand, always rallied around the pillar of Liberty and Victory, when they had been showing that individual prosperity and free market capitalism morally and guidingly have no credible alternatives, because such alternatives, like "trade-unionism", "collectivism", "neosocialism" lead to detained degree of destitutional separation.
So let us always aware that authority is not coming from the top to the bottom. It comes from the bottom to the top. If we removed all the concepts of political and economical philosophy from European discourse, only anti-americanism would remain left. Anti-americanism is not an ideology, it's a modern European way of life, that is being used to equipe Europe's identity. What kind of identity does Europe have? It should feel embarrased, according to the fact that millions of immigrants escaped from ideologies of evil and totalitarian oppression.
Here I suggest 10 most valueable and meaningful points, that should be placed ahead and unified in a consice value system of free-market society:
1. Goverments are instituted among men whose power derives from the consent of the governed.
2. The best social program is a job.
3. The most socially natured system of human happiness is and most definately remains free market capitalism, that puts freedom ahead of "income equality".
4. There's no forerunning economic activity without concise rule of law and maximally-imposed legal system. In fact, only private property ensures that individuals will ever fulfil their dreams, reflected upon the vision they have in mind.
5. State should not be involved in Economy, because Economy is not a matter of "intervention", but a matter of finding yourself, your success and your way to rise to the challenge of tomorrow, lead by an invisible hand.
6. It's morally unacceptable to let "trade union" to be in charge of imposing decisions, that have a negative impact on thousands of others. Going that way, is unacceptable indeed, because trade unions have no explicit right to negotiate about the others. Negotitation about "minimum wages" in the most viably destructive meaning, leads to uncertain future and possible economic devolution.
7. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask not what you can do for your country, but rather ask what you can do for yourself.
8. "Can ever again take for granted, his or her freedom our a precious gift to freedom. That gift to freedom is actually a birth-rise to all humanity and that's why is important to spread the voice of freedom upon the darkest corners of the world, urging leaders to send a new signal of openness to the world, by putting down fearful condemn of government in order to let everyone to be free and participate freely in the market, prosperously contributing a lot to free Economy.
9. There's always a majority and there's always a minority. No matter what could happen, it's impossible for any absolute majority to reject, violate or refuse free entrepreneurial activity in terms of competitive coexistence.
10. At last, but not least. There's always a "laissez-faire" way of solving problems and dealing complex situations. Finally, let us attempt to try to impose a viable underlayment, that free-market Economy was, is and will always be better run that command-driven Economy.
Alexander Marriot: The Limitations of the Marxist Approach to Writing History: David R. Roediger's The Wages of Whiteness, CAPMAG, 2006
Kathy Krajco: The Roots of Antiamericanism
Lee H. Bashing: The Intelecutal Origins of Antiamericanism
Milton Friedman: Free to choose, A personal statement
F.A. Hayek: The Road to Serfdom, University of Chicago Press, 1982
Ljubo Sirc: Yugoslav Economy under Self-Management, Palgrave, 1978
Milton Friedman: Capitalism and Freedom
Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
Andrew Bernstein: Global Capitalism, The Solution to World Poverty and Oppression
Andrew Bernstein: The Capitalist Manifesto, University Press of America, 2005

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