Sunday, June 18, 2006


"What hadn't been realized in the literature until now is that merely to describe how severely something has been tested in the past itself embodies inductive assumptions, even as a statement about the past."

After having overcome relative transitional progress it seems invariable that the numbers of those who fearfully reject the idea of open society and send fanatical shocks to those who advocate the very fruitful idea of open society. The roots of opposition to open society lies in the most anti-American country nowadays, namely France and it spreads like a disease through the signals of those who Karl Popper named them “the enemies of open society”.

Open Society is about prosperity and progress. Its idea is the idea of happiness being achieved through openness and productive behavior, rewarding risk, work and entrepreneurship as the main point of productive behavior respectively. The most giant source of opposition to open society is so called “wordsmith” intellectualism and it is mainly outsourced by those who pretend to be highly important persons in every-day life. Those wordsmiths include poets, novelists, literary critics, newspaper and magazine journalists, and many professors.

In fact those wordsmiths have wages above average. They fare well in capitalist society. In fact, the opposition to capitalist society is a social significance. Intellectual wordsmiths sends wave of how to behave and how to express ourselves. Their proposals are mostly counter-productive. Following the reasonable sentence each individual is guided through the invisible hand, guiding him through the market in order to help him pursuing his or her interest enabling prosperity and long-term happiness. However, intellectuals and other enemies of open society are afraid of progress and its increase. By and large, each wordsmith intellectual is afraid of success of the other because the value of anti-capitalist intellectual would have been laid-down. That’s how propelling towards anti-capitalism and expressing extremely activist thoughts against it factually depends on other forces pushing the enemies of open society on the edge of despair where anti-capitalistic views are the only tool left in order to boost the promotion of fearful hostility towards those who are more successful and are being pointed out as exploiting people (Americans, Capitalists, Jews,…).

As normal and hard-working people are heading towards progress, wordsmith intellectuals use the only lethal weapon left in order to keep trying to put them down. This very commonly used weapon is so called “neoliberalism” used by the Soviet satellites. Progress is what you gain from hard-work, risk, self-initiative and entrepreneurial actions, penetrating into the information asymmetry and choosing the best maybe for today’s less but inevitably for tomorrow’s more. However, “wordsmith” enemies of open society dislike “productive initiative” and their way to stop it is to try to cause disorder of information. The latter is entailed within the wordsmith argument of “social state”, “social ethics, “social whatever”… But as FA Hayek correctly emphasized facing arguments and instantly using the word social means to avoid personal responsibility and transfigure it onto something what is actually unknown to everybody. Intellectuals now expect to be the most highly valued people in a society, those with the most prestige and power, those with the greatest rewards. Intellectuals feel entitled to this. Agreeably, intellectuals have been expressing enviousness instantly to those who achieved the truest value of prosperity which seems unreachable to wordsmith intellectuals. Instead, intellectuals rather humble those who advocate free choice and use its function in order to prosper tomorrow and become rich by inserting the human capital where it yields the most profitable returns. Wordsmith intellectuals however don’t seem to be in favor of this. Successful capitalists, inventors and businessmen are pointed out as the main enemies of welfare, as the source of exploitation.

The reason for this very unfavorable hostility is that wordsmiths are simply captured “somewhere in the middle of nowhere”. They don’t understand the trade and don’t know how to explain the measure of relative value together with marginal utility which makes them impossible to understand what Hayek called “an expanded order”.

Wordsmith intellectuals, as the main advocates of “explicit socialism”, are captured within the essence of wrong and harmful definition of individual. Their definition of the latter is to be highly active and completely dedicated to the idea of cherishing his choice and eliminating his shiningly flattering career in order to contribute as much power as possible to community.

In the mentality of socialists and collectivists each prosperous individual has been treated negatively, as an enemy and exploiter, just because his race for profit has enabled welfare to thousand and let them into the fortune of middle class income earners. Wordsmith intellectuals build their defense by penetrating where it’s possible to send waves of anti-capitalism and anti-Americanism because their defective way of thinking seeks channels of propaganda and thus “successfully” implements the lessons of Lenin, their most probable source of philosophical inspiration. It is not surprising that in many Western and few Eastern countries media are keep frightening people about progress and liberal economic reforms (i.e. flat tax). Those sheltered signals are the product of pure anti-capitalist mentality and leftist propaganda whose weapon against Reason, courage and challenge is media and especially daily newspapers where we can see what kind of miserable “shits” are possible to be written by those who are completely unaware of some basic principles of Economics.

Who knows, perhaps one the most masterful macroeconomists, Gregory Mankiw could start teaching them some basic definitions and laws of Economics.

Another possibly the most probable, much more elementary source of anti-Capitalism and extreme hostility towards the creature of competitive, successful and encouraged individuals is the school system. There, wordsmith intellectuals have succeeded on nearly every front and send anti-capitalistically inspired youth on the market where their “social significance” is recognized in a complete unawareness of productive behavior which could boost their unused grain of power and help them becoming the leaders of tomorrow. The (future) wordsmith intellectuals are successful within the formal, official social system of the schools, wherein the relevant rewards are distributed by the central authority of the teacher. The schools contain another informal social system within classrooms, hallways, and schoolyards, wherein rewards are distributed not by central direction but spontaneously at the pleasure and whim of schoolmates. Here the intellectuals do less well.

It is not surprising, therefore, that distribution of goods and rewards via a centrally organized distributional mechanism later strikes intellectuals as more appropriate than the "anarchy and chaos" of the marketplace. For distribution in a centrally planned socialist society stands to distribution in a capitalist society as distribution by the teacher stands to distribution by the schoolyard and hallway.

Beside promoting income equality and telling capitalists, economists, businessmen and free marketers exploiters makes wordsmiths a firm grounding of ideological fire, holding strongly against the efforts of economic progress and defining market as chaos.

Public schools are in general the opposition to private property itself. Wordsmith intellectuals seem to be the most fanatical defenders of anti-Americanism, hiding behind the curtain of “human rights”. Neosocialism’s defective way of thinking has poured into nearly every channeled area of life. The ideas sound fairly well in practice and extend from feminism, environmental protection and the defense of human rights. But when you uncover the shield you discover the unthinkable – a dirty mud of hostility towards everything what is more successful and continues to prosper accordingly.

The world of wordsmith intellectuals is actually a fairytale world of hopelessness, uncompetitiveness and fearfully hostile anti-capitalistic mentality wherein “literary critics” and sometimes even amusingly funny “novelists” produce their very special forcible thoughts of development puzzled into a phenomena called “anti-Capitalism”.

“There are no such things as limits to growth, because there are no limits on the human capacity for intelligence, imagination and wonder.”

The opposition to free market society, competitive advantage, productive behavior, encouraged challenge of creating positively unthinkable achievements, competitive entrepreneurship, risk taking, progress and going for growth are only the fractions being a great target for wordsmith intellectuals in order to shoot them and penalize them for being successful, prosperous and challengingly encouraged to go forward. Helpfully recommended is to not listen to them and ask what you can do for you for today’s less in order to achieve comprehensive tomorrow’s more.

Disclaimer: Together with, Capitalism & Freedom is a newly-joint member of Freemasonic-Zionistic-Libertarian conspiracy for destroying Alpine paradise of public economic well-being for pensioners and public privileges of wordsmith intellectuals penetrated into the channels of public rent-seeking.


Annelise Anderson, Martin Anderson and Ronald Reagan: Reagan in His Own Hand. The Writings of Ronald Reagan that Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America, Free Press, 2001

Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago University Press, 1972

Friedrich August von Hayek, Fatal Conceit: Errors of Socialism, Chicago University Press, 1988

Ludwig von Mises, Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, Libertarian Press, 1972

Gregory Mankiw, Teaching Principles of Economics, Eastern Economic Journal, 1998

Robert Nozick, Why Do Intelectuals Oppose Capitalism, CATO Policy Report, 1998

Alexander Marriot, The Limitations of Marxist Approach to Writing History, Capitalism Magazine, 2005

Sean Hannity, Deliver us from Evil. Defeating Terrorism, Despotism…, Reagan Books, 2004

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