Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Click here and view the latest Mercer's Survey which covers the research of where is the most expensive place in the world.

Here're some of the most fascinating results:

1. Moscow has taken the lead of world's most expensive city.

2. London has moved downward and is not anymore recognized as the world's most expensive city.

3. According to EIU Survery, ten the most expensive cities in the World are the following ones: (1) Oslo, (2) Tokyo, (3) Reykjavik, (4) Osaka, (5) Paris, (6) Copenhagen, (7) London, (8) Zurich, (9) Geneva, (10) Helsinki

4. Click here and check the richest cities in the world (UBS Survery)

5. Click here and see the top 10 European Business Cities

6. Click here and view the most expensive shopping streets in Europe and in Americas

7. Click here and see the 50 most literate cities in the U.S. The results are quite surprising

8. Click here and check-up the latest "up-to-date" reports concerning the situations of health care, education, business, economics, finance, sport, transport and of course TOURISM!

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