Thursday, July 20, 2006


Who should Blacks vote when it comes to election deadline.
Democrats or Republicans?

Read Thomas Sowell's column from the latest edition of Townhall
here and find the answer.

But here're some of definitely the most undeniable facts:

1. Most blacks are working people and taxpayers
who do not benefit from welfare programs of from affirmative actions.

2. Blacks are more likely to gain from vouchers pulling them out of the trash called
"public schools". Vouchers would provide them a decent education in a decent place.

3. Gun control makes no sense. In the most criminal neighborhoods, criminal have access to nearly every piece of the most dangerous weapon.
Gun control would pull the potential victims in a very negative position by preventing them from being unable to defend themselves and stand against criminals.
Incidentally, most uses of guns in self-defense do not even involve pulling the trigger.
Once you pull a gun on someone who is threatening to assault you, he is likely to have a very sudden change of plans and head elsewhere.
In communities where most people are known to have guns in their homes, burglaries are rare and violent crime rates are low.
Guns deter as well as defend.The laws of gun control do not actually control guns but protect the criminals respectively.

4. Perhaps even more bizzare ideas is hidden in the thing called "social engineering programs" namely used in Scandinavia (Sweden) and other empires of socialism, including Slovenia. The programs are claiming to be about "drug prevention" or "decision-making" or some other innocuous-sounding name. The idea is that each child should make up his own morality. A more stupid or more dangerous idea could not have taken root anywhere but in a school of education.

5. Self-Defence is a human right and let it be treated that way.

6. Let me cite the words once said by a man "wisdom-of-the-mind" Ronald Reagan: "Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem". Finally, Democrats are not the solution to the problem, they are the core of the problem itself.

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