Thursday, August 03, 2006


Just a few minutes ago I eyed an interesting observation in The Economist that points out several findings why there's such a strong tight between the United States and Israel in terms of financial, cultural and political cooperation. As an Economist, I rated that observation somewhere in the middle of the scale. Interestingly I think books written by Friedrich August von Hayek and Milton Friedman would be an appropriate reading to analyze the conflict situation that has separated the Middle East splittedly into two parts.

There's no doubt that Israel's child of hope and truly the home of brave. Why? To be honest it's the only democratic country in the Middle East. Its broad political, economic and cultural system generally entails elements that strongly underpin economic and political freedom. According to Heritage Index of Economic Freedom, "Israel has developed a modern economy with a thriving technology sector." The overall score on Economic Freedom is not that bad at all but taking the Middle East area into account, Israel is somehow "The Hong Kong of Middle East" in broad terms. Sitting on your couch and watch how media tries to brainwash their consumers by trying to blame Israel for everything is actually pretty emotional from viewer's point of view but thinking more broadly, blaming Israel means giving an unconditional support to terrorist organizations in the Middle East.

The most important factor of observation in the Middle East crisis is to ask ourselves what kind of economic and political program do organizations like Hezbollah offer if they come up and gain political authority. First of all, the vast majority of countries in the Middle East with Arabian cultural flow offer destructive policies mostly denying personal and economic freedom. Libertarec has served us pictures displaying how cultural difference in the champion of terrorist leadership, namely Iran, actually looks like in the real life. Fanatical Islamic approach to hampering the economy devastates the seed of economic progress - pioneering property rights through privatization and opening to the world via free trade. According to Heritage Index of Economic Freedom, there's no Middle East country with Islamic tradition to be placed among free or at least mostly free economies. Protectionist trade policy, extreme fiscal pressures, cosmetically held low inflation, hostile foreign investment legislation, centralized and undeveloped banking system, strict price controls, and weak protection of property rights, harmful regulation and highly spread informal business activities.

Culturally, the legal code entails strongly favored torture of women and other criminal acts denying basic ethical rules that our civilization has been devoted to. Quietly favored additional and unconditional support to Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations means expressing silent support to their kind of policies that repressively deny personal and economic freedom and instead their totalitarian leaders prefer to govern upon religious oppression and additionally favored punishment of those who really want to live freely and independently create their fuller and happier tomorrow.

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