Ste se že kdaj vprašali v kolikšni meri vaš nazor ustreza definiciji libertarca in obenem niste nikoli prišli do učinkovitih zaključkov? Sedaj imate priložnost, da svojo libertarno čistost tudi testirate. Na navedeni povezavi obstaja zelo preprost test. Po vsakem zelo kratek vprašanju imate na voljo dva različna odgovora, bodisi "da" ali pa "ne"
What's your score? My is 61.
ReplyDeleteMy Score equals exactly 159.
ReplyDeleteRegards, Rocks
Yeah. I've noticed that the page is not working anymore. Here are some further suggestions where you can test your purity of being a libertarian:
ReplyDelete1. How To Tell Your Libertarian
2. World's Smallest Political Test
3. The Enhanced Precision Test
But it is really terrible that the Purity Test is not operating anymore. The question very brief, quick and enabled to test the truest entity of being a libertarian. But the tests enlisted are also a vivid opportunity to test yourself and the precision of your entity as well.
Regards, Rocks