Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Mario Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute perfectly points out the common misunderstanding of Kyoto accord, the aim of which is to limit further gas emission in the future. Kyoto accord actually proposes only one way to cut carbon dioxide emissions in the future and that way is very similar to what happened in former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe - economic collapse. U.S. Energy Information Administration projects global energy consumption will rise by 71 percent between 2003 and 2030, with three-quarters of that growth in developing countries. Fossil fuels account for the lion's share of the increase in consumption. Kyoto accord is on track to push gasoline prices to record highs. Increasingly growing prices on various energy would inflict a bulk of hardship on all income earners. Many European consumers pay twice as much for gasoline, due to high motor fuel taxes. Yet, despite higher fuel prices, European Union transport sector CO2 emissions increased almost 26 percent during 1990-2004 and are projected under current policies to be 35 percent above 1990 levels in 2010. To say in a more radical manner, Kyoto accord is nothing else but a platform for giving energy diet to starving population. Until increasingly growing economies do not restrict CO2 emissions, the control of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is impossible.
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