Sunday, January 07, 2007


If you don't know how to fill the gap of your free time then you just came across the place at a very suitable moment. Below you can find reading suggestions of some of the most attractive far the most interesting books according to my opinion.

Borut Prah, former IBM Executive, wrote a masterpiece entitled The Party is Over: A Compilation of the Complete Accomplishments of Communism. You can also get the book from Amazon. In this excellent writing you will see how miserable the accomplishment of communism have really been. For example, in Chapter 4, Mr. Prah points out;
"Many years before the transistor was invented, Karl Marx declared and Lenin confirmed that dialectic materialism does not allow uncertainty to exist. Soon after they both died, another Karl, a German physicist named Werner Karl Heisenberg, discovered the Principle of Uncertainty. But, in the Soviet Union, certainty and the Five Year Plan rule. For uncertainty you get vacations without pay in Siberia. The Party or Politbureau cannot do otherwise. (For how this came about, read the following chapter, Mendeleyev, Lenin, Kapitsa, and Heisenberg.) Thirty years later in the United States, the Principle of Uncertainty leads to the discovery of the transistor. Being completely outside of the Soviet Five Year Plan makes a transistor radio immediately politically undesirable and on par with Coca Cola and Wall Street. Moscow stuck to Marx and Lenin: to be politically desirable it must be certain and real, such as, for example, a potato. Thus, the politically correct Marxist approach to the radio is to stick a pair of earphones in a potato and listen. The device indeed works and it predates the Walkman by forty years. But potato chips are found useless. So far, so good for the Party."

Going further, Mark Steyn offers us a productive reading entitled America Alone; Why America will have to fight alone in the battle for Western civilization. The book is also availble to be purchased. In his Deliver us from Evil, Sean Hannity, reveals the cause of the world ills. The book is recommended to anyone who still doubts about the neccesity for fighting against global forms of extremism. His first book, a New York Times Bestseller, Let Freedom Ring, is equipped with straight-forward pursuit of excellence and dedicated principles of liberty as well. This book is a powerful tool for slashing socialist view and bringing them to justice. In fact, there are many issues for which socialists (neo-marxists) should be responsible for. Progressive taxation (a legislatively coded form of stealing) is one of the issues, disrespectful attitude towards private property is another issue.

Nice and reader-friendly reading for the weekend that perhaps suits your interest is a book written by an Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises entitled Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction. This book does not include empirical studies but it rather focuses on discussing the lies hidden behind carefully designed rethorics of Marxist ideology. Emotionally triggering and extremely devastiting Marxist thought is truthfully noted in Mises's Free Market and Its Enemies.

Libertarian Reading List also brings up books on libertarian topics.

In the field of economics and business there is a bulk of innovations as well as a large quantity of older, but extremely thoughtful books. One of those books is Warren Buffet's Lessons for Corporate America. In order to try to find successful message for your future I recommend you to read Why We Want to Be Rich - Two Men, One Message written by Donald Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki. Thoroughly noted guidelines for the future are written in another book by Donald Trump - The Way to Success.

David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius wrote 3-D Negotiation : Powerful Tools to Change the Game In Your Most Important Deals. This book can serve as a useful tool in determining your negotiating position in the game with an aim to use the strategy called 'win-the-deal'.

Rogelio Oliva and Noel H. Watson published a working paper entitled Managing Functional Biases in Organizational Forecasts: A Case Study of Consensus Forecasting in Supply Chain Planning, studying organizational dimensions of forecast generation and improvement.

My favorite field - economics - has also been lightly enriched with generous literature, working papers and case studies. Tarun Khanna briefly wrote about India's need to increase trade volumes with China, showing how both sides (could) benefit from free trade agreements and through liberalized investment conditions. The paper is simply entitled India Needs to Encourage Trade With China. Julia Hanna and Toby Stuart write about the so-called money connection through which we understand the nature of VC firms operations. Mark de Broek and Throsten Slok wrote a working paper Interpreting Exchange Rate Movements in Transition Countries. This paper appears to be old but it's very useful in taking transitional economic behavior seriously. Lars Feldt and Emmanuelle Reulier wrote an extensive study on Strategic Tax Competition: Evidence from a Panel of the Swiss Cantons. Michael Keen, Yitae Kim and Ricardo Varsano of the International Monetary Fund wrote evidentially principled study on the flat tax effects in Eastern Europe. I warmly recommend anyone who's interested in this topic, to read the paper (50 pages) to furtherly understand the need for the fundamental tax reform in a direction of flat-rated taxes (see: related paper written Nancy Stokey and Sergio Rebello) though personal views of the authors are different. In the field of international economic issues and economic development, a thorough analysis and suggestion has come up, putting up neccessary solutions to let Africa drive on the path of prosperity. It's a Heritage Lecture under the authorship of Brett Schaefer. The paper is entitled Economic Freedom: The Path to African Prosperity. Michael Keen, Anna Ivanova and Alexander Klemm extensively wrote on the topic of Russian tax reform's impact after Russia had dramatically reduced personal income tax rates.

The foremost thorough analysis about fiscal expansion in Europe has been written by Dan Mitchell of Heritage Foundation in his paper Fiscal Policy Lessons from Europe. This is a paper with high priority on the list so in accordance with free choice, I recommend you to go through this paper and once again view the economic misery of Europe.


  1. Whoe whoe. Take it easy. Should the discussion come first. And I warn you - write in polite manners of decent behavior otherwise I'm gonna start to remove your posts due to culturally disgraceful attitude to other people, especially to the author of this blog.

    Regards, Rocks

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    destruction of the human race. That should be your reading list's title. After all, War is BIG money, the biggest money there is.
