Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Kevin Hassett of the American Enterprise Institute recently published in article (link) in which he explained why there is a negative correlation between high regulation of entry and entrepreneurship. Two economists, Silvia Ardagna and Annamaria Lusardi examined survey data collected from 150,000 individuals in 37 different countries and showed that the amount of opportunity entrepreneurs is the highest in countries where there is less regulation of entry. For example, the United States has the highest share (8 percent) of opportunity enterpreneurs and the fewest regulatory entry barriers, after Canada and Denmark. On the other side, Spain, France, Belgium and Slovenia have the lowest share of opportunity enterpreneurs and unsurprisingly many regulatory barriers of entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In po kakšni logiki niso v graf vključene vse raziskane države? Jaz kot ljubitelj socialističnih regulacij bi lahko denimo vključil v graf le Združeno kraljestvo, Švedsko, Nizozemsko, Italijo in Portugalsko.